Wednesday, February 18, 2009

President's Day

Today is the anniversary of the Refinery Fire.

Last year, on this date, the local oil refinery blew up. It shook the earth for miles, broke out windows and shifted walls.

Many people can tell you exactly where they were and what they were doing at that moment in time. There are some incredible stories out there.

What was even more incredible was that there was no loss of life. Only minor injuries.

It was President's Day, and a 'skeleton crew' was manning the plant.

It is a day not many people will forget.
I still walk out of the house and look to the west and see the column of smoke. It was huge, black and boiling. For many weeks, I was still hearing the rattling 'boom' of the explosion.
My husband, the Chief, knew exactly what it was. But my son and I had to scramble out of the house to take a look.

Through strength and courage, our Chief and his crew faced the monster in the refinery and defeated it. Using ingenuity and all the training we have had, they got it under control and out in record time.

I was in the Accountability and Staging area, trying to keep up with all the people that poured in to help. When they had heard what happened, they came in without being called. Lots of people and equipment!

As I watched the smoke column go from one large stack, to several small fingers, I knew that they had a handle on the fire and it would be out soon.

Every time there is a loud noise, or shaking, we look to the refinery and make sure its all right.

A year later, and we are still doing that.

But we know that if it happens again, we can handle it. We are prepared.

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